[PDB Data Ownership-TF] Meeting#2 and follow-up

Filiz Yilmaz filiz at peeringdb.com
Wed Nov 20 03:35:56 PST 2019

Dear all,

We had our 2nd Meeting on 18 Nov 2019, Monday. 

Below you can find information about this meeting, the actions and pointers for further follow-up:

Agenda, the high-level notes and the recording of the meeting are all in the shared folder (https://drive.google.com/drive/u/2/folders/1wz08_g6NtqkiBkOYUhekLwVJYwZkCnBv).

Highlights of the meeting were:

Agreement reached on that TF should agree on a scope statement. 
TF should work towards finalizing this in the next 2 weeks. 
Action on all TF members: Go through the scope doc <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1su38Vko9_3-aoo_LYvKckbK6PNVTwfLgzbYQBN3bv7c/edit> and make comments or edits. Deadline: 6 December. 
Agreement on the policy document that it is a good start too and it has the right structure. 
Ben noted that we may need another section where we discuss the logical data in database on a higher level, with a note how this represented in the database as a database object.
General agreement that this is a good suggestion. 
Action on all TF members: Go through the policy doc <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wVqWwmQpYu5L-2lhvLeu0VHOTWCw8dJMEOrw8Cg5DBk/edit#heading=h.mnvwhx5r2153> and start making comments or edits. Deadline: 6 December. 
Cadence of meetings should be more frequent. General agreement on having them every 2 weeks. 
We can also make it a standing meeting set at a fixed, specific time. This may help everyone to have their agendas managed better however we may have time-zone challenges with some zones having the meeting in really bad times. 
Actions on Filiz:
Make Doodle call for the 3rd meeting. We should have one the week after 6 December, to discuss the feedback on scope and policy document. 
Look into timezones to see if there any time-period that we can set as a fix meeting time on a regular basis and communicate it on the list. 
A rough work plan/timeline might be helpful.  
Action on Filiz: Work on a timeline for TF to plan its work. 

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Kind regards

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