[PDB-tech] New python client libraries

Matt Griswold grizz at 20c.com
Thu Nov 5 21:20:59 PST 2015

Just occurred to me I forgot to announce these, sorry!

- https://github.com/peeringdb/peeringdb-py
  Python client library and CLI, can use to efficiently (only gets
  changes since last update) do a local sync to any database that Django
  supports. I was meaning to add more of a wizard from start to finish
  and haven't had time to get back to it.

  Thanks to Nat / Netflix for giving us the pypi name.

- https://github.com/peeringdb/django-peeringdb
  Django models for integrating PeeringDB into a local Django project.
  The PeeringDB client library uses it internally. After installing
  this, you can sync the data locally with `./manage.py pdb_sync`

Both are pretty alpha (rawr?), if you have any issues, use the github
interface to report them, or better yet, a pull request :)


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