[PDB Tech] django_peeringdb sync issues with SYNC_STRIP_TZ == True

Milton Ngan milton at valvesoftware.com
Thu Apr 6 08:30:49 PDT 2017

I just opened an issue on GitHub about this already, but I'll summarize the issue. When using the 'peeringdb sync' command from the Python peeringdb module, the 'since' Unix timestamp is calculated incorrectly. The dates are properly stored in the database in UTC, but the Unix timestamp is calculated using the local timezone via mtkime. So us poor people West of UTC will get a Unix timestamp which is ahead of where it should be. So any records created/updated in this gap will be missed. Being in UTC-7/-8 that gap is pretty big and we hit this all time now. I didn't seem to see it as much earlier, but this could be due to increased usage of PeeringDB over the past year or two.

This issue is probably not affecting anyone East of UTC because their timestamps will be behind where it ought to be which is fine because you get duplicate updates which just get merged.

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