[PDB Data Ownership-TF] Draft Agenda for Meeting#3

Filiz Yilmaz filiz at peeringdb.com
Sun Dec 1 08:14:41 PST 2019

Dear all, 

Below pls find a draft agenda for our Meeting#3, scheduled on 2 Dec 15:00 CET.

Talk to you soon!


Draft Agenda:

0. Welcome - 2 mins

1. Scope -  30 mins

Review of the document, recent comments and edits, discussion and working towards finalising the text with the deadline in mind: 6 December. 

2. Policy Document - 10 mins

Review of the document, recent comments and edits, discussion and working towards finalising the text with the deadline in mind: 6 December. 

3. Scheduling of Meetings - 10 mins

Decision on
- Calling of a fixed/regular time/date for future meetings OR
- Keeping Doodling 

4. AOB - 3 mins

5. Review of Agreements/Actions - 5 mins

6. Adjourn


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