[PDB Data Ownership-TF] Meeting#3 follow-up

Filiz Yilmaz filiz at peeringdb.com
Mon Dec 2 07:56:48 PST 2019

Dear all,

We had our 3rd Meeting on 2 Dec 2019, Monday. 

Below you can find information about this meeting, the actions and pointers for further follow-up:

Agendas, the high-level notes and the recordings of the meetings are all in the shared folder (https://drive.google.com/drive/u/2/folders/1wz08_g6NtqkiBkOYUhekLwVJYwZkCnBv <https://drive.google.com/drive/u/2/folders/1wz08_g6NtqkiBkOYUhekLwVJYwZkCnBv>).

Highlights of the meeting were:

Agreement reached that the current wording of the scope statement is good.
6 December deadline stands to conclude it.  
After 6 December, scope will be published at the Data Ownership Task Force website. 
Action on all TF members: Go through the scope doc <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1su38Vko9_3-aoo_LYvKckbK6PNVTwfLgzbYQBN3bv7c/edit> . If you you think the current wording does not work for you, pls share thoughts and your suggestions for change on the mailing list asap. 
Revisiting the agreement on the policy document that it is a good start and it has the right structure. Further on:
The document should note future changes in PeeringDB can trigger updates on the policy document.
We discussed at length the port speed data in PeeringDB, as an example, how it can be understood to be different from IXP or Network point of view. 
Suggestion to have an “Overarching Principle” section in the Policy Document, that can possibly note high level principles
General agreement that this is a good suggestion. 
Action on all TF members: Go through the policy doc <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wVqWwmQpYu5L-2lhvLeu0VHOTWCw8dJMEOrw8Cg5DBk/edit#heading=h.mnvwhx5r2153> and start making comments or edits. 
Meeting Scheduling: 
If we can find a common slot, it is great to have them at a fixed time, but it is hard to find it. 
Everyone at the call seemed to be flexible with odd hrs in general. 
Terry will send a no-meeting zone for Filiz to look into some options for a fixed slot. 
Until a fixed date/fime can be announced, we will keep Doodling. 
Action on Terry: Send Filiz his no-meeting time period. 
Action on Filiz: Doddle next meeting in the 16-20 Dec week. 

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Kind regards
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