[PDB Data Ownership-TF] Scope effort

Chris Caputo ccaputo at alt.net
Thu Nov 21 16:03:59 PST 2019

Filiz made an initial draft of the scope a few days ago and I made some 

It is up at:


Below is the current language in case anyone prefers to make suggestions 
on this list.

In regards to:

  - "clear description of each object and associated data tokens and 
    values attached to them"

I made a comment as follows:

  - Likely needs some kind of revision to include both the abstract/meta 
    level (ex: an IPv4 address) and the current data types (ex: ipaddr4), 
    based on the discussion during the 2019-11-18 mtg.

Feedback on the scope in general or the comment?



Data Ownership Task Force Scope Statement 
[to appear on: https://docs.peeringdb.com/taskforce/dataownership/]


The Data Ownership Task Force is established to discuss and agree on who 
owns the data tokens and/or objects in PeeringDB. Their agreements, 
findings, and any sort of recommendations will be documented in a Policy 
Document as a direct outcome of the Task Force.

This Policy Document will include a clear description of each object and 
associated data tokens and values attached to them, respectively, as well 
as which type of user (network, IXP, etc.) should be allowed to create and 
update them.

The Task Force is estimated to conclude its work within about 6 months 
from its inception, which was September 2019. This time frame will be 
extended if the Task Force needs more time to conclude its work.

The resulting Policy Document will be announced and shared with the 
PeeringDB Community.

After the publishing of the Policy Document, the Task Force will end.

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