[PDB Data Ownership-TF] draft "Data Ownership Policy Document"

Chris Caputo ccaputo at alt.net
Sun Mar 15 18:00:38 PDT 2020

On Sun, 15 Mar 2020, Chris Caputo wrote:
> A specific example would be if IX Foo exports an IX-F JSON that specifies 
> that AS65512 has an assignment of and Network AS65512 instead 
> inputs an assignment of, the code would prevent the publication 
> of and instead result in:
>   - "user interface methods and email notifications to encourage data 
>     harmony between a Network and an Internet Exchange, as a means of 
>     expediting resolution and decreasing the burdens on the Admin 
>     Committee."

In my example, I should be more specific and say "IX-F JSON that specifies 
that AS65512 _only_ has an assignment ...", ala:

    A specific example would be if IX Foo exports an IX-F JSON that 
    specifies that AS65512 only has an assignment of and Network 
    AS65512 instead inputs an assignment of, the code would 
    prevent the publication of and instead result in:


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