[PDB Data Ownership-TF] draft "Data Ownership Policy Document"

Job Snijders job at instituut.net
Sat Mar 21 19:21:10 PDT 2020

On Sun, Mar 22, 2020, at 00:26, Arnold Nipper wrote:
> Actually how the dispute resolution is implemented should be left to the
> AC/Board to agree upon. Simply
>   - This Task Force recommends that the Admin Committee charter be
>     amended by a dispute resolution procedure.
> Does that make sense?

At the end of the day the board is legally responsible for PeeringDB (why else does the board exist?). The role of the board should be acknowledged in this task force output. Already today anyone can write the board about an data-ownership issue which could mean they are appealing a decision someone made. 

If I recall correctly the group discussed on the January call to document escalation procedures. Yesterday’s draft didn’t contain such text yet. 

I would recommend to return to Chris’ original text: “Decisions of the Admin Committee may be appealed to the PeeringDB  Board of Directors.” as it is simplest and describes reality.

Kind regards,


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