[PDB Gov] PeeringDB Term Limits Proposed Bylaws Revision

Nick Hilliard (INEX) nick at inex.ie
Mon Oct 23 03:34:07 PDT 2023

Chris Caputo via Pdb-gov wrote on 20/10/2023 16:44:
> there has been discussion of term limits for PeeringDB Board members.
> Consensus seems to be that a term limit of 10 consecutive years (five
> 2-year  terms) would be good for the organization.

yep, sensible.  I would suggest going further and putting in an overall 
term limit. There are a lot of reasons for doing something like this, 
not least that people who sit on boards for long periods can block 
positions to new rising talent in the industry, and it's both 
strategically and structurally important to foster new, incoming talent 
in an aging industry.


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