[PDB Gov] Results of 2024 Election

Steven Feldman steven.feldman at cbsinteractive.com
Wed May 1 05:24:58 UTC 2024

As this year's election observer, I have reviewed the methodology and
results and certify that the 2024 election was properly conducted according
to the established rules.

If anyone has any concerns or comments, please let Chris and I know.

On Tue, Apr 30, 2024 at 1:03 PM Chris Caputo via Pdb-gov <
pdb-gov at lists.peeringdb.com> wrote:

> <External Email>
> The 2024 election has concluded. Of 137 organizations registered to vote,
> there were 98 ballots cast.
> For the Board Election, there were 4 candidates this year for 2 available
> Director seats.
> The winners in order of vote count and thus seat occupied:
>   Seat 2 (term expires 2026): Job Snijders
>   Seat 4 (term expires 2026): Aaron Hughes
> Appreciation to the other candidates who ran:
>   Alexandre Corso
>   Guillaume Mazoyer
> The new PeeringDB Board of Directors is:
>   Seat 1 (term expires 2025): Christopher Malayter
>   Seat 2 (term expires 2026): Job Snijders
>   Seat 3 (term expires 2025): Rahul Makhija
>   Seat 4 (term expires 2026): Aaron Hughes
>   Seat 5 (term expires 2025): Livio Morina
> Results of "Board Member Term Limits Question":
>   - 66.7%: Yes (revise the Bylaws using the proposed text)
>   - 33.3%: No (do not revise the Bylaws using the proposed text)
> Detailed results including Single Transferable Vote (STV) stages:
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://docs.peeringdb.com/gov/misc/2024-04-30_Comprehensive_Poll_Results.pdf__;!!CxwJSw!JIOw8a9tmsP1bF1mbGFKoXFtHrzJ0d3is0OTQ3OoLTSIMA_ZsltjgNVo6bLZIg4g0MFmoAC6ZG53ht7aQMgbth9F9FAwtvq9mw$
> Receipt codes are on the final pages of the PDF.
> For STV first timers:
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_transferable_vote__;!!CxwJSw!JIOw8a9tmsP1bF1mbGFKoXFtHrzJ0d3is0OTQ3OoLTSIMA_ZsltjgNVo6bLZIg4g0MFmoAC6ZG53ht7aQMgbth9F9FDvjUM_QQ$
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8XOZJkozfI__;!!CxwJSw!JIOw8a9tmsP1bF1mbGFKoXFtHrzJ0d3is0OTQ3OoLTSIMA_ZsltjgNVo6bLZIg4g0MFmoAC6ZG53ht7aQMgbth9F9FBOTHMhaA$
> Thanks to all of the candidates and the community for participating.
> My personal thanks to Shawna Bong and Steve Feldman for observing the
> election.
> Questions welcome!
> Respectfully,
> Chris Caputo
> PeeringDB Secretary/Treasurer
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