[PDB-tech] peeringdb sync - sometimes gets errors.

Chris Caputo ccaputo at alt.net
Wed Apr 13 14:40:36 PDT 2016

And if a dedicated sqlite file, you can just remove the sqlite3 file to 
start from scratch.

I normally cron run "peeringdb sync" hourly with "> /dev/null 2>&1" which 
masks these errors, so once per day I run without a filter.  Ex.:

# Hourly update to peeringdb file
00 1-23 * * * sleep $[RANDOM\%300] ; /home/seaix/src/wiki_ip_converter/pdbvenv/bin/peeringdb sync > /dev/null 2>&1
# Do a daily run without error filtering, so we can learn about any errors.
00 00   * * * sleep $[RANDOM\%300] ; /home/seaix/src/wiki_ip_converter/pdbvenv/bin/peeringdb sync

Martin, I opened an issue and added your error to it:



On Wed, 13 Apr 2016, Martin J. Levy wrote:
> All,
> Occasionally I get errors from doing a sync command.
> > django.core.exceptions.ValidationError: {'name': [u'Organization with this Name already exists.']}
> I've gone back-n-forth on trying to fix this; however I realized I should share this sql script that I run prior to "sync" in order to fix this. Once you run "sync" you have
> a clean copy of PeeringDB.
> This can be found at https://github.com/peeringdb/peeringdb-py/pull/7
> Enjoy,
> Martin
> -----------
> $ cat drop-tables-peeringdb.sql 
> DROP TABLE IF EXISTS peeringdb_facility;
> DROP TABLE IF EXISTS peeringdb_ix;
> DROP TABLE IF EXISTS peeringdb_ix_facility;
> DROP TABLE IF EXISTS peeringdb_ixlan;
> DROP TABLE IF EXISTS peeringdb_ixlan_prefix;
> DROP TABLE IF EXISTS peeringdb_network;
> DROP TABLE IF EXISTS peeringdb_network_contact;
> DROP TABLE IF EXISTS peeringdb_network_facility;
> DROP TABLE IF EXISTS peeringdb_network_ixlan;
> DROP TABLE IF EXISTS peeringdb_organization;
> DROP TABLE IF EXISTS auth_group;
> DROP TABLE IF EXISTS auth_group_permissions;
> DROP TABLE IF EXISTS auth_permission;
> DROP TABLE IF EXISTS auth_user_groups;
> DROP TABLE IF EXISTS auth_user_user_permissions;
> DROP TABLE IF EXISTS django_admin_log;
> DROP TABLE IF EXISTS django_content_type;
> DROP TABLE IF EXISTS django_migrations;
> DROP TABLE IF EXISTS django_session;
> $

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