[PDB Tech] allow empty IP field or not?

Joe Provo jzp-peeringdb at rsuc.gweep.net
Sun Dec 25 10:26:44 PST 2016

[this time form the correct address...]

On Sun, Dec 25, 2016 at 03:15:39PM +0100, Sascha Pollok wrote:
> Hi Job, et al,
> Let's please keep it required. Many people rely on PDB information to 
> automate peering configurations. It does not happen often that we need to 
> configure peering sessions that require manual input and when it happens, 
> it is actually annoying. Making IP addresses optional will make more ASes 
> not document them either of lazyness or weird security reasons. If someone 
> thinks not disclosing them gives extra security they do have a problem 
> anyway. It's easy to find out peering LAN IPs if someone wants to do 
> something ugly.
> Please keep them required.


If the [not uncommon] case of signaling intent-to-be-there is needed,
that should be simply a separate flag not an overloading of the address


Posted from my personal account - see X-Disclaimer header.
Joe Provo / Gweep / Earthling 

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