[PDB Tech] [External Mail] Re: Problem doing initial 'peeringdb sync', foreign key constraint fails?

Matt Griswold grizz at 20c.com
Fri May 15 20:32:27 PDT 2020

* Milton Ngan <milton at valvesoftware.com> [200516 01:02 +0000]:
> Thanks. I saw your reply to the list. Glad you managed to get it
> working. I was using it for our peering managed tool, but I have
> since switched to Peering Manager which does its own little sync (not
> a complete sync) instead of using peeringdb-py, so we have not had to
> worry about this bug in a while.

Thanks for the report and fix, those repos unfortunately fell off the
PC radar for too long, we're working on folding them into the system
for prompt attention.

> That being said, there was discussion about switching to
> peeringdb-py/django_peeringdb in Peering Manager but until
> django_peeringdb supports Django3 it is a non-starter.

It works fine with django 3, the client sync doesn't however. :) Agree,
we'll prioritize getting that fixed.


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