[PDB Translate] PeeringDB - pt_BR translation

Tiago Felipe Gonçalves tfgoncalves at xpto.it
Sat Jun 17 01:45:01 PDT 2023

Hi Arnold,

Actually the PR was updating the existent one that was not covering (~44%) all messages and there was some errors.
@ccaputo answered in the PR to use weblate platform.

Added two comments in the PR about that:

1. Would be nice to add this guidance to https://github.com/peeringdb/translations/blob/master/README.md and https://github.com/peeringdb/peeringdb/blob/master/docs/dev/translation.md, because it wasn't clear in the repository docs that preferred to do that was through https://translate.peeringdb.com/, I spend few hours on that, and not I'm not sure when I'll be able to do it again via the weblate platform.

2. If we are not using this repository (peeringdb/translations) for translations anymore, do we have a reason to have this active? If it's not being used, maybe we should archive it.

Thanks Arnold!

(Atenciosamente|Best regards|Cordiali Saluti|Vriendelijke groeten),

Tiago Felipe Gonçalves
+31 6 22839006
PGP Fingerprint - A2:82:BD:48:EE:8D:C4:99:C2:4E:81:D4:C4:7B:1C:2E:C7:F3:04:C9

Il giorno 17 giu 2023, alle ore 10:20, Arnold Nipper <arnold at nipper.de> ha scritto:


On 16.06.2023 23:37, Tiago Felipe Gonçalves wrote:
I created a PR ( https://github.com/peeringdb/translations/pull/9 <https://github.com/peeringdb/translations/pull/9> ) for pt_BR translation covering all of the current messages.
After create the PR, I noticed that PeeringDB is using the weblate platform for translations, do you know if the PR is acceptable or do we need to go via weblate only? I’m asking that to see if the PR > /dev/null, and when I found another free timeslot on my side I will do the Italian translation too.

there is already pt_PT afaik. Is it worth the effort to create pt_BR? See [0] for all the lanuages we are already working on.


[0] https://translate.peeringdb.com/projects/peeringdb/server/
Keep calm, keep distance, keep connected!

Arnold Nipper
email: arnold at nipper.de
mobile: +49 172 2650958

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