[PDB Translate] Per language ML (was: Re: PeeringDB - pt_BR translation)

Arnold Nipper arnold at nipper.de
Sat Jun 17 13:25:32 PDT 2023

On 17.06.2023 17:38, Chris Caputo wrote:
> Glad it has turned out okay.
> For others on this list, I responded to Tiago at
> https://github.com/peeringdb/translations/pull/9 as follows:

Suggestion: create per language/locale ML and have 
pdb-translate at lists.peeringdb.com as a union of all per language/locale ML.

This allows efficient discussion when translating, esp. having the 
discussion in the translation language.


Keep calm, keep distance, keep connected!

Arnold Nipper
email: arnold at nipper.de
mobile: +49 172 2650958

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