[PDB Data Ownership-TF] Scope Wording change

Filiz Yilmaz filiz at peeringdb.com
Tue Dec 17 15:54:52 PST 2019


As noted in my previous mail, during the 16 Dec meeting, TF discussed and agreed on having a new change on the wording of the Scope. 

You can see the change made on the Scope <https://docs.google.com/document/d/14_HBq69EAp9-gofRTzH456p7_YsWd54PqpVB5dGMlLU/edit> document. 

It is mainly changing:

“This Policy Document will include a clear description of each object, sub-object, and associated data, respectively, as well as which type of user (network, IXP, etc.) should be allowed to create and update them. “

“This Policy Document will include a clear description of each object, sub-object, and associated data, respectively, as well as well as who should be allowed to create and update them.”

If you have any objections to this, you can raise them until 24 Dec on the mailing list. 
After that I will get the Scope on the website changed too. 

Kind regards

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