[PDB Data Ownership-TF] Scope Wording change

Arnold Nipper arnold at peeringdb.com
Tue Dec 17 23:29:14 PST 2019


On 18.12.2019 00:54, Filiz Yilmaz wrote:

> It is mainly changing:
> “This Policy Document will include a clear description of each object,
> sub-object, and associated data, respectively, as well as*which type of
> user (network, IXP, etc.) *should be allowed to create and update them. “
> To: 
> “This Policy Document will include a clear description of each object,
> sub-object, and associated data, respectively, as well as well as *who*
> should be allowed to create and update them.”
> If you have any objections to this, you can raise them until 24 Dec on
> the mailing list. 
> After that I will get the Scope on the website changed too. 

for me it's unclear what is meant by "sub-object" and "associated data".
For me there are only objects (i.e. fac, ix, ixfac, ixlan, ixpfx, net,
netfac, netixlan and poc. And as-set which imho shouldn't be there) and
relations between these objects expressed by ids. E.g. in netixlan we
find net_id and ix_id (and ixlan_id, but this id in turn is pointed to
by the the very same ix_id).

Arnold Nipper
email: arnold at peeringdb.com
mobile: +49 172 2650958

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