[PDB Data Ownership-TF] Apricot 2020

Arnold Nipper arnold at nipper.de
Sun Feb 16 13:01:47 PST 2020


On 16.02.2020 21:45, Filiz Yilmaz wrote:

> In principle TF should have agreed on this.

is the TF a closed shop meanwhile? I can't remember that this was
decided. However, I also was not able to attend every call.

> I do not remember support for a public presentation when Arnold
> suggested it previously.

I've handed in a presentation for the Apricot Peering Forum and will
mention the DTF briefly as well. No details, though.

> As your initial call for meeting was for an internal TF members only 
> meeting for those who would be in MEL, my understanding was not at
> all for this so far either.
> There had been luckily some movement in the last TF meeting. So we
> can provide a latest. You and Arnold were not present at that
> meeting. You can of course watch the recording to get up to date.

Having an open meeting is a good idea imho and is fully in line with the
PeeringDB principles of openness and community support.

CU soon
Arnold Nipper
email: arnold at nipper.de
mobile: +49 172 2650958

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