[PDB Data Ownership-TF] draft "Data Ownership Policy Document"

William Marantz wmarantz at salesforce.com
Thu Feb 27 07:56:55 PST 2020

Thanks for the hard work here Chris!!

I'd like to discuss the following from the doc:
  Similarly, conflicted data which has not been published shall not be
  published until a resolution process has been mediated by the Admin

  PeeringDB may also employ user interface methods to encourage data
  harmony between a Network and an Internet Exchange, as a means of
  expediting resolution and decreasing the burdens on the Admin Committee.

Is it already obvious, or do we want to be explicit that the netixlan
conflict may be resolved by either side updating the data and that the
Admin Committee would only involved for actively disputed data?  I'd like
to avoid the chance that someone gets the impression that the only way
resolve a conflict and make once conflicted data visible is via the Admin

I'd like to change the 2nd sentence to the following which seems to better
align with the discussions of the TF and the discussions on the open
peeringDB git hub items :

  The taskforce recommends PeeringDB to employ user interface methods and
email notifications to encourage data
  harmony between a Network and an Internet Exchange, as a means of
  expediting resolution and decreasing the burdens on the Admin Committee.

Best Regards

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