[PDB Data Ownership-TF] conditions for being listed in a facility

Chris Caputo ccaputo at alt.net
Thu Jan 9 07:45:53 PST 2020

On 07.01.2020 22:58, Chris Caputo wrote:
> - ixlan: Join of ix and netixlan, listing networks at IXP
>   - Ex: https://www.peeringdb.com/api/ixlan/13

On Wed, 8 Jan 2020, Arnold Nipper wrote:
> Actually, grandparent as the parent of ixpfx is ixlan. Let's see what PC
> comes up, once we remove ixlan.

I noticed in the upcoming release notes:

  - * Important note - as part of this release we'll begin dropping 
      support for IX LANs. No impact is expected in this release but the 
      Admin Committee may be reaching out to various IX owners to remodel 
      their IX objects.  Details of this change are in github:  

I compared production:


and beta (since it has the above change in place now):


and the results are very similar.

Thus it appears the REST API "ixlan" result is very different than the 
database table "ixlan".  Just something to keep in mind as we discuss 

The Policy doc being drafted lists REST API nodes as detailed at:


[I'll send a copy of this email to Matt Griswold, in case it needs any 


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