[PDB Data Ownership-TF] Meeting#5 Follow-up

Chris Caputo ccaputo at alt.net
Fri Jan 10 08:18:28 PST 2020

Thank you for everything Filiz.

On Fri, 10 Jan 2020, Filiz Yilmaz wrote:
>      +  Lengthy discussion took place on description of an IX. 
>        Eventually group decided that a description should be avoided, or 
>        a referral to the IXDB definition should be made.

All, I think we meant IX-F here:


but even with that we may decide it is best to both not define IXP and not 
refer to a specific definition, or maybe refer to multiple along with 
pointing out there is no perfect definition.  I learned of:

  (Remove Virtual IXPs #515)

and read there are significant differences of opinion about what an IXP is 
defined as, along with other definitions from Open-IX and RIPE, etc.  
Ie., the definition of IXP is a significant task in of itself, with 
varying opinions.


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