[PDB Data Ownership-TF] Meeting#6 Agenda

Filiz Yilmaz filiz at peeringdb.com
Thu Jan 23 02:24:17 PST 2020

Dear all,

Below pls find the agenda I have in mind for today. 
Let me know if you have any comments. 

Kind regards


Draft Agenda:

0. Welcome - 2 mins

1. Recent discussions on the mailing list - 25 mins
Question from Filiz: Why are we not using the mailing list?
How can we generate productive discussions on the mailing list?
Are these meetings still helpful/useful?

2. Moving forward towards a Policy Document - 20 mins
Open discussion on whether we can reach our target of March for delivering a Policy Document

3. Next meeting - 5mins

4. AOB - 3 mins

5. Review of Agreements/Actions - 5 mins

6. Adjourn

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