[PDB Data Ownership-TF] IXP assignment IP address (netixlan) ownership

Chris Caputo ccaputo at alt.net
Tue Jan 28 19:33:01 PST 2020

On Tue, 28 Jan 2020, William Marantz wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 28, 2020 at 2:27 AM Arnold Nipper <arnold at peeringdb.com> wrote:
> > On 27.01.2020 18:37, Chris Caputo wrote:
> > > [...] what I perceive you believe is that it is okay to publicize 
> > > what may be incorrect data, rather than resolve the conflict first.
> > >
> > > Just as IX-F JSON data can be wrong, so can Network-provided 
> > > netixlan data be wrong.  I argue that when there is a difference, it 
> > > is best to play it safe and not publicize until resolved.
> > >
> > > If you are concerned about what was previously unconflicted data 
> > > being pulled down by accident, then maybe the handling of previously 
> > > published data should be different than the publishing of new data?  
> > > Could that be the solution we are looking for?  Ex:
> > >
> > > if (data is in conflict)
> > > {
> > >   if (already published)
> > >   {
> > >     keep data up
> > >     initiate resolution process
> > >   }
> > >   else
> > >   {
> > >     don't put data up
> > >     initiate resolution process
> > >   }
> > > }
> > >
> > > On Sat, 25 Jan 2020, Arnold Nipper wrote:
> > > > Even though we consider data from IXP as authoritative, it might 
> > > > contain errors. According to your proposal data would disappear in 
> > > > the API. Booom!
> > >
> > > I think the above avoids the "Booom!", if "Booom!" refers to
> > > unintentionally causing deprovisioning.
> >
> > Now it starts to make sense to me as well. If you could also take #539
> > into account we should have a made a huge step forward.
> I support that "already published" modification to your proposal Chris. 
> I totally forgot about that use case and great idea.

Excellent!  Ok, I spent a bunch of time today trying to pull #539, #585, 
and #627 together in some coherent way.  Please review the below and let 
me know of mistakes.  Maybe we can beat this around into something useful.



// Pseudocode for the following GitHub issues:
//   - Add attribute `operational` to `netixlan` #539
//   - Interim IX-F JSON importer #585
//   - netixlan conflict resolution idea #627
// Related tables:
//   - ixlan:
//     - TODO gains 'ixf_ixp_import_last_timestamp' in appropriate
//       format (ex. unixtime or whatever)
//   - netixlan:
//     - existing table contains data supplied by Networks or
//       IXP IX-F JSON import if "Allow IXP Update" enabled.
//     - TODO gains 'operational' boolean
//     - TODO gains 'published' boolean   
//   - netixlan_ixp:
//     - TODO new table which is a clone of netixlan's schema
//     - TODO contains data from IXP IX-F JSON imports
//     - TODO updated hourly via cron task which also takes care of
//       "Allow IXP Update" tasks.
//   - netixlan_override:
//     - TODO new table which is a clone of netixlan's schema
//     - contains Admin Committee overrides
//   - All currently active (status == 'ok') netixlan records need
//     to have both 'operational' and 'published' set to TRUE.

#define IXF_SECONDS_UNTIL_STALE 30*86400  // to be tuned

// Run as a cron task, likely hourly, and/or based on to-be-designed push-to-pull-trigger-mechanism.
ixf_json_importer_per_ixlan(ixlan ixp)
  // Mark all netixlan_ixp records for this IXP for pending deletion,
  // in case they aren't in current update.
  for_each (record in ixp.netixlan_ixp)
      ixp.netixlan_ixp[record].pending_deletion = TRUE;

  // Review each entry in the IX-F JSON export.
  for_each ([asn][ipv4][ipv6] in ixf_export)
      record = [asn][ipv4][ipv6];

      // Update netixlan_ixp accordingly.
      ixp.netixlan_ixp[record].asn = asn;
      ixp.netixlan_ixp[record].ipv4 = ipv4;
      ixp.netixlan_ixp[record].ipv6 = ipv6;
      ixp.netixlan_ixp[record].pending_deletion = FALSE;
      if (ixf_export[record].status == something_that_means_operational)
          ixp.netixlan_ixp[record].operational = TRUE;
          ixp.netixlan_ixp[record].operational = FALSE;

      // Consider netixlan[record] update.
      if (network[asn].Allow_ixp_update == no)
          // From #585:
          // If a network has an IXP entry with differing (asn, ipaddr4, ipaddr6),
          // create a DeskPRO ticket, emailing the network and the ix. (1)
          // If a network has an IXP entry with any other differing information
          // (speed, route server peer), this information is not changed
          // If a network does not have an entry for the IXP, nothing is done

          if (conflict)
              // Per the above: create a DeskPRO ticket, email network and ix
              if (NOT ticket_for_this_triple(asn,ipv4,ipv6))
          // network[asn].Allow_ixp_update == yes

          // From #585:
          // If a network has an IXP entry with any differing information, the
          // entry is updated (IPv4, IPv6, speed, route server peer) (1)
          // If a network does not have an entry for the IXP,
          //   - if there is not a conflicting record, a new entry is added.
          //   - If there is a conflicting record, create a DeskPRO ticket,
          //     emailing the networks and the ix.
          // (1) This also covers the case that the network does not have an
          // entry in the IXP member list at all. In the case of
          // "allow_ixp_update: yes" the update then actually means removal.
          // This prevents involved parties from being flooded by tickets
          // A DeskPRO ticket will be opened once only and thereby creates a
          // lock. Only if the lock is removed a new ticket can be created.

          if (no conflict)
              // Network's netixlan gets a copy of the IXP's netixlan_ixp.
              ixp.netixlan[record] = ixp.netixlan_ixp[record];
              // Per the above: create a DeskPRO ticket, email network and ix
              if (NOT ticket_for_this_triple(asn,ipv4,ipv6))

  // Delete records not found in most recent parsing of IX-F JSON export.
  for_each (record in ixp.netixlan_ixp)
      if (ixp.netixlan_ixp[record].pending_deletion == TRUE)

  // Success, so update timestamp.
  ixlan.ixf_ixp_import_last_timestamp = now();

  // If for some reason there is not success, create a ticket and notify the IXP
  // that their data is failing to be parsed.
  if (NOT ticket_for_this_ixp(ixp))

// Run when a Network makes an update to their netixlan record via the web site or the API.
network_update(ixlan ixp,
               int   asn,
               cidr  ipv4,
               cidr  ipv6)
  // New field "operational" defaults to TRUE in the web user interface.

  // Save the update.
  ixp.netixlan[asn][ipv4][ipv6] = UPDATES;

  // Call display_handler() so Network quickly gets alerted to any issues with their update.
  // All of this ASN's records at the IXP are evaluated.
  display_handler(ixp, asn);

// Run when the API or web site considers displaying a netixlan record, or when there has been an update.
display_handler(ixlan ixp,
                int   asn)
  list blocklist[];  // contains ipv4 and ipv6 addresses that have already been considered
  // Go through Admin Committee overrides first...
  for_each (record in ixp.netixlan_override[asn])

      if (ixp.netixlan_override[record].operational == TRUE)
          // Publish the record, if operational, either by displaying on web pages (/ix/, /net/)
          // or including in API results.
          ixp.netixlan_override[record].published = TRUE;

  // Go through Network provided entries...
  for_each (record in ixp.netixlan[asn])
      ipv4 = ixp.netixlan[record].ipv4;
      ipv6 = ixp.netixlan[record].ipv6;
      if (blocklist[].contains(ipv4) || blocklist[].contains(ipv6))
          // Admin Committee's ixp.netixlan_override already dealt with this IP addr.


      // Skip if this is not an operational record.
      if (ixp.netixlan[record].operational == FALSE)
          // Update 'published' accordingly, in case network is going on hiatus.
          ixp.netixlan[record].published == FALSE;

      if (ixp.ixf_ixp_import_enabled == TRUE &&
          ixp.ixf_ixp_import_last_timestamp + IXF_SECONDS_UNTIL_STALE > NOW)
          // We have recent IXP IX-F JSON records to consider...

          // Do we have a matching IXP provided netixlan_ixp entry?
          if (ixp.netixlan_ixp[asn][ipv4][ipv6] &&
              ixp.netixlan_ixp[asn][ipv4][ipv6].operational == TRUE)
              // Yes, IX-F matches Network provided...
              // Publish the record, either by displaying on web pages (/ix/, /net/)
              // or including in API results.
              ixp.netixlan[record].published = TRUE;

              // If ticket previously created for this triple, update it to say the
              // conflict was resolved.
              if (ticket_for_this_triple(asn,ipv4,ipv6))
              // No, IX-F does not match Network provided info...  Conflict!

              // Is this already published data?
              if (ixp.netixlan[record].published == TRUE)
                  // We need to continue to publish it, since it has already been published,
                  // to avoid accidental disruption of provisioning systems, but raise alerts.

                  // Create a DeskPRO ticket, email network and ix.
                  if (NOT ticket_for_this_triple(asn,ipv4,ipv6))
                  // Is not currently published.  Meaning this is data which is not found
                  // in the IXP IX-F JSON export and thus should not be made public in such a way
                  // as to cause provisioning.  Rather indicate it only on the Network's /net/ page
                  // with a conflict indication which gracefully highlights the conflict in such a way
                  // that the network admins and any visitors know it is in conflict with IXP data.
                  // Create a DeskPRO ticket, email network and ix.
                  if (NOT ticket_for_this_triple(asn,ipv4,ipv6))
          // IXP IX-F JSON data is stale or non-existant.

          // Publish the record, either by displaying on web pages (/ix/, /net/)
          // or including in API results.
          ixp.netixlan[record].published = TRUE;

  // Go through unmatched IXP IX-F JSON provided entries...
  for_each (record in ixp.netixlan_ixp[asn])
      ipv4 = ixp.netixlan_ixp[record].ipv4;
      ipv6 = ixp.netixlan_ixp[record].ipv6;
      if (blocklist[].contains(ipv4) || blocklist[].contains(ipv6))
          // Admin Committee's ixp.netixlan_override already dealt with this IP addr.

      // Present message only to network's admin users when they view their /net/ page
      // indicating an IP assignment they are missing which they could add or dismiss.
      // Remind them of the IX-F auto-import option and preview.

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