[PDB Data Ownership-TF] draft "Data Ownership Policy Document"

Chris Caputo ccaputo at alt.net
Fri Mar 20 09:40:39 PDT 2020

Arnold reached out to me about an issue with respect to embargoed 
information at an IX.  Ie., a Network who has requested to not yet be 
listed in the IX-F JSON export, but who then updates PeeringDB prior to 
informing the IX the embargo can be listed.

Please see the below diff and provide feedback and/or support.  I will 
also reach out directly to previous approvers.

The change indicates that data will remain unpublished until the 
resolution is made by the IX ending the embargo so that its data begins to 
match that provided by the Network.  Then when that happens, the data can 
become published.  (An IX would end an embargo when a network reaches out 
to it and says its connection is no longer confidential.)



New draft: https://www.caputo.com/dotf/0.20200320.1-CC-AN.txt
Diff here at and at: https://www.caputo.com/dotf/0.20200317.4-CC-DB-TS-AN-WM_0.20200320.1-CC-AN.diff.txt

--- 0.20200317.4-CC-DB-TS-AN-WM.txt	2020-03-17 23:30:20.401784614 +0000
+++ 0.20200320.1-CC-AN.txt	2020-03-20 16:37:33.379968769 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 PeeringDB Data Ownership Policy Document
 Date: TBD
-Version: 0.20200317.4-CC-DB-TS-AN-WM
+Version: 0.20200320.1-CC-AN
 1) Background
@@ -688,6 +688,11 @@
 Internet Exchange, as a means of expediting resolution and decreasing the 
 burdens on the Admin Committee.
+It is understood that an IX-F Member Import may be incomplete, such as due 
+to an information embargo requirement. If a conflict arises due to new 
+data provided by a Network, the above conflict resolution recommendations 
+are appropriate.
 6.2) ixfac & netfac
 A conflict may arise in which a Facility with an actual owner disputes the 

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