[PDB Gov] May 8th, 2023 draft Board meeting minutes and officer changes

Job Snijders job at sobornost.net
Thu May 11 14:54:33 PDT 2023

Dear all,

I'm super excited to have seen new people step forward as candiates for
the election, the resulting new Board composition, and Christopher
Malayter stepping up to the task of leading the organisation!

PeeringDB being a volunteer-driven organisation means that its
participants contribute their time and energy based on an intrinsic
motivation, which makes those efforts all the more special and
appreciative. In this sense, PeeringDB is a work of love.

I view rotation in leadership as a sign of the organization maturing,
positively impacting its prospects for continuity.

Special thanks to Aaron Hughes and Chris Caputo for all their help while
I served as vice-president.



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