[PDB Gov] [External] May 8th, 2023 draft Board meeting minutes and officer changes

Peter Helmenstine pete at peeringdb.com
Thu May 11 15:48:15 PDT 2023

I second that. Thank you for the service!


> On May 11, 2023, at 2:54 PM, Job Snijders via Pdb-gov <pdb-gov at lists.peeringdb.com> wrote:
> CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
> Dear all,
> I'm super excited to have seen new people step forward as candiates for
> the election, the resulting new Board composition, and Christopher
> Malayter stepping up to the task of leading the organisation!
> PeeringDB being a volunteer-driven organisation means that its
> participants contribute their time and energy based on an intrinsic
> motivation, which makes those efforts all the more special and
> appreciative. In this sense, PeeringDB is a work of love.
> I view rotation in leadership as a sign of the organization maturing,
> positively impacting its prospects for continuity.
> Special thanks to Aaron Hughes and Chris Caputo for all their help while
> I served as vice-president.
> お疲れ様です!
> Job

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