[PDB-tech] Additional API End Points

Anna Claiborne anna.claiborne at gmail.com
Wed Jul 22 13:25:05 PDT 2015


The new API, while nicely put together, is missing some easy to use end points for common tasks.  When the mysqldump file is finally deprecated, collecting this information would require getting all the data through multiple API calls and sorting/counting programmatically, rather than just a simple mysql query.  For ease of adoption, I’d like to suggest adding the following end points:

countPeers - The count of peers at an exchange
exchangePeers - All peers at a particular exchange.  A flag to include all their IP information would be great.
peerExchanges - All exchanges a peer participates in.  Again, flag to include IP info.

I’m sure there are more, but these are easy ones.


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