[PDB Tech] allow empty IP field or not?

Tim Kleefass tim at haitabu.net
Tue Dec 27 04:46:11 PST 2016

On 27/12/2016 13:11, Lukas Tribus wrote:
>>  Die IXP website list the IP address within the customer portal, so you
>>  need to login to the IXP customer portal to see the IP addresses of the
>>  peers.
> That may be true for some IXP's, but most of them provide the list of
> members including IP addresses in the Euro-IX JSON format.
> Like:
> https://my.ams-ix.net/api/v1/members.json
> https://www.ecix.net/content/member-lists/memberlist_FRA.json

Okay, I wasn't aware of that.
Then it doesn't make sense to hide the IP address in peeringdb.

> And as mentioned before, scanning the reverse dns zone will also
> very likely lead to the next-hop IP's, as do traceroutes.
> This is a public information, hiding it at peeringdb does not make it
> private.
> But if people insist, I guess allowing that particular organisations to
> hide the actual address for unauthenticated pdb users may make sense.
> But please do not allow empty IP fields in the database.



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