[PDB Tech] Sync issue - fac_id 3 missing?

Ruairi Carroll ruairi.carroll at gmail.com
Fri Apr 14 08:04:47 PDT 2017


I'm trying to run a sync of the DB locally, and after some initial
struggles, I'm finally able to start to sync the data.

However, my sync bombs out when when trying to sync fac_id 3, as per my
logs below (Full log is on PasteBin here <https://pastebin.com/r55K4r8Y>).

{'fac': *[u'facility instance with id 3 does not exist.']*} : errors:
{'fac': [u'facility instance with id 3 does not exist.']}
fac: Missing Object, dict: {'_validators': [], 'auto_created': False,
'serialize': True, '_unique': False, 'unique_for_year': None, 'blank':
False, 'help_text': u'', 'null': False, 'to_fields': ['id'],
'db_tablespace': '', 'db_index': True, 'is_relation': True,
'unique_for_month': None, 'unique_for_date': None, 'primary_key': False,
'concrete': True, 'swappable': True, 'max_length': None, 'rel':
<ManyToOneRel: django_peeringdb.networkfacility>, 'from_fields': [u'self'],
'verbose_name': u'fac', '_choices': [], 'creation_counter': 129,
'validators': [], 'editable': True, 'related_model': <class
'django_peeringdb.models.concrete.Facility'>, 'error_messages': {u'unique':
<django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x80a4d6a90>, u'invalid':
<django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x80a55c550>,
u'invalid_choice': <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at
0x809ac0990>, u'blank': <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at
0x80a4d6a50>, u'null': <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at
0x80a4d6a10>, u'unique_for_date': <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object
at 0x80a4d6ad0>}, '_related_fields':
[(<django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey: fac>,
<django.db.models.fields.AutoField: id>)], '_error_messages': None,
'db_constraint': True, '_verbose_name': None, 'name': 'fac', 'db_column':
None, 'default': 0, 'attname': u'fac_id', 'column': u'fac_id', 'model':
<class 'django_peeringdb.models.concrete.NetworkFacility'>, 'opts':
<Options for NetworkFacility>}
*fac.3 not found locally, trying to fetch object... *
Starting new HTTPS connection (1): www.peeringdb.com
*"GET /api/fac/3?depth=0 HTTP/1.1" 404 None*

When I look deeper here, I see that this is the core of the issue:

Starting new HTTPS connection (1): www.peeringdb.com
"*GET /api/netfac?since=1484585605&limit=0* HTTP/1.1" 200 None
netfac last update 1484585605 1808 changed
data to be processed 1808

Which, if we look at the data this returns, contains "fac_id": 3.

So, suggestions on how to proceed here?

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