[PDB Tech] Using the API for integration into LibreNMS

Neil Lathwood n at laf.io
Sun Mar 12 11:26:29 PDT 2017

Hi Folks,

We've been working on adding some simple support into LibreNMS so
users can list the exchanges that they are connected to and then in
turn the peers on those exchanges and if they have sessions configured

To do this we're making use of the two following API calls:

https://peeringdb.com/api/ixlan/[ix_id]?depth=2 (We require ASN for
each peer to match with the data we have).

Firstly I hope that these are the best two end points to use. Secondly
I hope this is an appropriate use of the API.

It's a user configurable option and is off by default, when turned on
it will only call for data once a day and cache this info. The call
for data would already be randomly delayed by other functions called
before it but we've added a random delay of between 60 and 300 seconds
to stagger things further.

The code is within this pull request
(https://github.com/librenms/librenms/pull/6178) which we've put a
call out for testing.

If you have any feedback or comments then please let us know.

Kind Regards,

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